World Oral Health Day

Every year on March 20, World Oral Health Day is globally celebrated! This special holiday is meant to empower individuals with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to ensure positive oral health outlooks.
While March 20 may seem like a seemingly innocent date, there is purpose behind the specific date selected:
- Typically, children possess a total of twenty (20) baby teeth.
- Typically, adults possess a grand total of 32 teeth (if you had any wisdom teeth removed, this number will range from 28-31) and hopefully, zero (0) cavities.
- Numerically, these numbers can be translated to 3/20, which gives us the date of March 20.
Each year, there is a different theme that surrounds World Oral Health Day, ultimately selected by the FDI World Dental Federation. This year, World Oral Health Day hopes to inspire change by focusing on the importance of oral health for your overall happiness and well-being because good oral health has a positive impact on your general health and quality of life.
This, ultimately, is something worth taking action for. The theme sends out a simple but powerful message: Be Proud Of Your Mouth. In other words, value and take care of it!
Take a look at the official World Oral Health Day video! If you’re interested in learning more, please also check out their website.